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Art For Animals

Clothing, Accessories, Decor & Gifts: Original Designs Raising Funds For Animal Charities

Animal Charities - Giving Back

Every individual item sold supports animal welfare and wildlife conservation! With $5 from each item sold going directly to animal charities, we aid initiatives such as feeding rescued bear cubs, planting Eucalyptus trees for Koala habitats, and more.

Original Digital Art Designs

Each purchase of our unique, original digital artwork designs not only supports our small art studio and our mission to raise funds for animal charities, but also guarantees you a premium product and a one-of-a-kind piece of digital art.

Sustainability - Made On Demand

Caring for our planet. We minimize water usage, landfill waste, and environmental impact by producing each product brand new — only after your order. So when your product arrives, it's hot-off-the-press and made just for you!


Free The Bears

Every purchase you make supports 'cub care kits' for orphaned bear cubs at Free The Bears, helping in their rehabilitation and care post-rescue from poachers and the illegal wildlife trade.

Adult Clothing Collection

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Kid's Clothing Collection

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Accessories Collection

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Home Decor Collection

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Original Style

Elevate your style and home with our one-of-a-kind product designs. Stand out while supporting a small Australian business dedicated to animal charity fundraising through unique digital art.

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Use coupon code WELCOME10 for 10% off your first order.
